Archibald (Archie) Williams and Broderick (Brody) Dashers have been best friends forever. Each chapter explores a year of their lives from birth, we see them date, have crushes, exams and well...squabble. Their jobs, children and lives in general are recorded in this novel, where we see how real gay relationships work, past the idealistic cliche teenage hood. Archie Williams, an intersex baby. His parents wanted HIM to choose his gender, at the age of twelve Archie is almost certain to become a girl as he likes boys, until his best friend Brody says otherwise. He's confused, bulimic, passive aggressive and just darn sensitive. Brody Dashers, gay. Never forgave himself since the day he told his friend Archie to not become a girl due to his own selfishness. Your typical nice guy who beats himself up a lot. Let's just see what life has in store for these two...